Introducing Facilitee 2.0 – The New & Improved Real Estate Management Software

In the dynamic real estate landscape, change is the only constant as technology continues to evolve – markets undergo shifts, customer demands expand, and adaptability becomes necessary. We understand that in this fast-paced environment, the key to success is the ability to innovate and improve. That’s why we’re proud to introduce our latest real estate […]
Facilitee partners with Dutch Maintenance Group

Facilitee is very proud to announce its partnership with Dutch Maintenance Group, specialists in resolving maintenance and repair requests for all types of real estate. “We are overjoyed to start working together with Facilitee and work for and together with their clients on increasing tenant satisfaction. In addition we will also start using the Facilitee software […]
The Future of Real Estate Management Software

One of the areas of real estate management deals with executing maintenance and financial and daily management tasks and increasing tenant satisfaction.
Easy-Peasy: Getting Started With Facilitee! A Step by Step Guide

Discover how easy it is to use Facilitee! We present to you the 5 simple steps necessary so that you can reap the benefits of this technical management app!
Which Responsibilities are Included in the Technical Management in Real Estate?

One of the areas of real estate management is technical management that deals with executing maintenance and financial tasks, daily management duties and increasing tenant satisfaction.
Time-Saving Strategies Every Property Owner Needs to Know

Learn more about time-saving strategies that help property owners effectively manage their real estate.
Why You Need a Technical Management App

Learning new technologies and evolving with the changes is a must for every business. Take a look at why you need a technical management app in the real estate industry.
9 Reasons Why Facilitee is Better than Excel Sheets

Are you organizing your properties in Excel or Google Sheets? Facilitee is a technical property management tool that is a much better option for plenty of reasons. We handle maintenance and repair requests from people and soon machines.
The Importance of Connecting All Your Software Suppliers via APIs

API’s are a necessity for any modern IT enterprise. But what are the benefits of the rest API and why should you connect all of your software suppliers?
10 Costliest Mistakes Property Owners Make

What are the costliest mistakes landlords make? Learn how to prevent vacancy and how property management software can help you save money in the long run.